access authority




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1·The administrator who has entirely access authority can manage the information of shop.
2·One method to satisfy the access authority on file access is to implement an access control list (ACL).
对文件访问进行访问授权的一种方法是实现访问控制列表 (ACL)。
3·The system realizes the access control based on ACL, support dynamic configuration and manage about department, user, group and access authority.
4·Ownership of files in Linux and access authority are closely related to user ids and groups, so let's review some basic user and group information.
Linux 的文件所有权和访问授权是与用户 id 和组密切相关的,所以我们要复习一下基本的用户和组信息。
5·Some scholars argue that the concentration of water within the urban core of these sites provided a centralized source of political authority for Maya elites based largely on controlled water access.
6·The purpose of this People Assignment Criteria is to grant access to users to work on tasks based on the user authority in conjunction with the underlying repository.
7·The authorization policies defined to the Object Authority Manager (OAM) control access based on user IDs and group membership.
Object Authority Manager (oam)中定义的授权策略可以基于用户ID和组成员身份进行访问控制。
8·This message indicates that the bus security is enabled and WBEruntimeear is unable to access the SIBus because it does not have authority to access it.
9·Add the groups (s) that you use to give access to the Cognos Controller application (for example 'everyone' and 'nt AUTHORITY \ system').
选择您用于向Cognos Controller应用程序提供访问权的组(例如“everyone”和“nt AUTHORITY \ system”)。
10·After you submit your e-form, the user who has authority to set access control adds the second user to the Editor role in the e-form's access control.
更新时间:2025-04-01 04:59